Woocommerce Plugin Easy Setup
We developed new plugin through Wordpress | Woocommerce and we started to offer a subscription system infrastructure for our Wordpress-based customers, where they can make easy installation and recurring collections without the need for coding by courtesy of Wordpress. Before installation Woocommerce | Subscription plugin must be instaled. You can find how to install it at network.
In this document, you can find the necessary information about how to install the plugin and the activation process.
- Plugin install
- Plugin activation settings
1. Plugin Install
- From the Plugins section, you can click Add New from the top, search "Subscreasy Payment Gateway Plugin for WooCommerce / Woocommerce Subscriptions" in the store and install it by clicking Install Now, then click Activate to activate it.

2. Plugin Activation Settings
- From the Plugins section, click on the settings section of our plugin.

- Activate Enable Subscreasy Payment Gateway box in the Settings section.
- Write the name of your payment method in the Title section. (E.g. PayU, Iyzıco)
- Recommend that you activate Test Mode and make a test deposit without paying before receiving an actual payment.(# 1 in the picture)
- In order to receive a test payment, you have to register test environment from the link(# 2 in the picture). Also you can go this environment from https://www.subscreasy.com Developer top right Developer | Sandbox Environment found. This media was created for testing purposes and is a copy of the real environment.
- After register, as in the second picture Company Profile | Virtual Pos Settings copy the code like in the image and paste it into the Sandbox API Key section of the Wordpress plugin settings.

- You can find Production API Key by going to https://www.subscreasy.com and after register, go Company Profile | You can get it in the Virtual Pos Settings section as in the image below.

- The Sandbox (Test) environment is a copy of the Production environment. Your Subscreasy API Key in the real environment is actually your Production API Key. We repeat the same process for the real environment.
- When you add these keys Plugin | Settings necessarily input fields, activation will be completed.
- In order to receive a real payment, your virtual pos settings must be completed in production environment.
- For this, have a look at the https://subscreasy.com/doc/en/odeme-saglayicilar document.
- If you experience any problems during the installation and configuration phase, you can contact us for support.